The Examples folder must be located in your home directory (/home/Examples/). This is important as Axone neural network files already contain the path to the Mesa file where they accesses their data.
You can find a general description of all the problems in this Examples Folder in the Online Documentation under INFO -> HELP ? -> Examples.
For some unknown reason, the Workspace manager does not always display Axone neural network files with their right Icon. This only happens when you install the Demo version in the /home/Apps directory. Try to install the Axone package in the /LocalApps directory, if you can, and there should be no problem.
If you do not own Mesa, take a look at the Iris Neural network file. This file accesses its data from ASCII Files. Also, take a look at the XorASCII.nnet file.
If you are running Mesa in Demo Mode, you are only allowed to have a 20 columns by 20 rows spreadsheet open. On such a small spreadsheet, you can only fit the Xor and the Xor(YandZ) example problems.